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How Paying More Now Saves You Later

21 Aug

Chi Straightener


Hell-O Lover.

You are looking at the best $109 I’ve ever spent on beautying myself: The Chi Straightener.

$109 for a straightener?  Yes, yes, yes.  And it’s budget-friendly, too.

I used to get the cheap-o straighteners at Target for ~$30.  I always had to replace them at least every 6 months (but more like 4-5).

However, my last Chi lasted me 2 1/2 years and still worked fabulous except for when, um, sparks started flying out of the cord (R.I.P. , friend.).  I would have plucked down $109 without a second thought had my mom not just bought me a new one for my birthday coming up (thanks, Mom!).

Now, let’s do some math!

So for 2 1/2 years that would be 5 cheap straighteners…

30 X 5 = $150

$109 < $150

So it may seem like a better deal when you pay $30 at the time instead of $109, but it’s really not.  Not only is it cheaper in the long run, but it works fabulously.  No more yanking on hair only to end up with frizzy, crazy lady hair like you do with the Target straighteners.

Case closed!

So Not Happy With Beauty Brands Right Now

15 Jul

Is anyone else irritated about the new prices at Beauty Brands annual liter sale?

$11.98?  Really!?

Last year, it was $9.98!  Boo!

I don’t care what anyone says – good shampoo is one of my weaknesses!  And YES, it DOES make my hair look better!  I could not live with my Brocato Cloud 9!

Eye Creams! (On The Cheap?)

23 Mar

I NEED an eye cream!!!!!!  Help!

I just bought these Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules last weekend:elizabeth-arden-ceramide-capsules7

Although I think they’re doing a nice job of moisturizing my eyes, I don’t think they’re much more than something like olive oil in a pretty little capsule.

I’m starting to see SOME (like two, okay?) fine lines under my eyes and in the corners. EEKK!!  I honestly thought this day would never come!

My eyes are also SO sensitive.  Scratch that, ALL of my skin is sensitive.  So I have to get a good product for sure.

And I want sunscreen!

I’ve been eyeing some products, but they’re so damn expensive.

Murad essential-c-eye-cream-spf-15_1


Muard Essential C SPF 15 Eye Cream ($67!)



Lancome Bienfait Multi-Vital Eye SPF 28 Sunscreen ($36)



Murad Moisture Silk Eye Gel (a mere $49.50)

Auurgghhhh – I can’t decide! I’m leaning towards the Lancome since it has a lot of sun protection and it’s the cheapest.  However, I’ve never used Lancome before and not sure if I would like them!

Anyone know of any miracle eye creams on the cheap?