The Night I Left A 155% Tip

26 Sep

I’m think I’m like most people when it comes to tipping, in that, I generally always tip right around 20%.  If I receive truly poor service or rude service, I will definitely lower my tip.  Normal service generally constitutes the 20%.  If I’m having a good day, I might slip a 21% or 22% tip.

Last night, Lloyd and I had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.  In fact, we go there so often, that one waitress in the bar recognizes us and even knows what I like to order.

When she came to greet us last night, her eyes were puffy and red and she looked a little sheepish compared to her usually vibrant self.  She apologized for our wait (which was pretty much non-existent) and then apologized again because she was “having a moment”.  I didn’t really grasp what she was saying because she asked us what she could get for us so quickly after that.

After she left, I realized she was having a bad night.  Whether it was an asshole customer, a bad bout of PMS, or a jerk boss, I’ll never know.  But what I do know is that I’m a girl and there is absolutely nothing worse than having a “girl moment” at work.

I’m no stranger to those once-a-month spells when I’m on the verge of tears whenever someone doesn’t smile back at me or when I get a dumb e-mail forward of a dog that adopted a little orphan piglet.  (Did you guys SEE that e-mail?  Geez, get me a tissue.)

I was so impressed that our teary-eyed waitress even tried to make small talk when she checked on us.  Our water glasses were never even half empty before she would come top them off again.  She was having a bad night and her service or attitude didn’t show it at all.  That’s pretty much nearly impossible to pull off when you just bawled your eyes out.

Lloyd and I normally go dutch, so my bill was a paltry $6.48.  She must have really tugged on my heart-strings because I left her a $10.00 tip.  That’s right, I left a 155% tip.

I may live my life on a budget and life below my means, but sometimes it’s better to make someone else’s day than your own.  Turns out, it ends up making your day anyway.  When I left the restaurant I was filled with just a small glimmer of excitement that my little gift of generosity may have made that girl’s night and ended whatever moment she may have been having.

9 Responses to “The Night I Left A 155% Tip”

  1. Frugal Dreamer September 26, 2009 at 9:26 pm #

    Aw, you’re sweet! And I hope that brought a smile to her face… and that she didn’t have to split it with the cooks! 😉

  2. munchkin September 26, 2009 at 9:49 pm #

    you are such a good customer, to recognize that she was having a bad day and to leave her that big tip!
    I’m sure she really appreciated it.

  3. Tracy September 26, 2009 at 10:32 pm #

    That is so sweet, you are awesome!

  4. eemusings September 26, 2009 at 10:50 pm #

    Nothing beats putting a smile on someone else’s face, I reckon. Good on you!!

  5. quarterlifegirl September 28, 2009 at 5:38 am #

    She sounds like an awesome waitress to be able to pull that off. I’m sure you made her day!

    (Although it if was “one of those days”, and if it was me, you probably would’ve just made me tear up again with a gesture like that, hehe.)

    (And no, I haven’t seen that email! lol)

  6. SS4BC September 28, 2009 at 12:43 pm #

    I also teared up at that dog/piglet email. 😉

    That was very sweet of you – I’m not sure I would have done the same – maybe a 50% tip – but not a 155% one for sure.

  7. AK September 29, 2009 at 3:52 pm #

    Maybe it was PMS, but as a waitress I can think of 1,000 reasons why a server would be on the verge of tears on any given night.

    Good for you for helping her out. 🙂

  8. Bonnie October 7, 2009 at 12:41 pm #

    My mom and I did a very similar thing for a girl at a restaurant once. We overheard people at another table yelling at her for things that were not her fault. So we left her a 30 or 35 percent tip on our bill. As we were leaving she ran after us, in tears, saying that we had left her too much, and we assured her that she deserved it. I hope it made her feel better!

    Another great story: when I was a kid, my mom, dad, brother, grandparents, and aunt were all out to dinner. At the end of the evening, my dad asked for the check, and the waitress said that a lonely old man sitting in a booth in a corner had already paid the entire bill, and told her to tell us what a lovely family we seemed to be! I never forgot that.

  9. Mrs. Accountability October 12, 2009 at 3:09 pm #

    That was really nice of you to do, I’m sure she really appreciated it! I always tip 20% but sometimes 25%. My husband likes to leave at least $5 no matter how much so sometimes it’s even more than that!

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